
Rainbow Six Siege Patch Notes | Y4S4.3 Update - stevesonstoloweld75

Rainbow Six Siege is deep in the midst of Y4S4, and the in style Rainbow Six Siege piece notes detail the game's newest improvements. The R6 Y4S4.3 update arrives aboard fresh designer's notes from the developer and spell out a legion of new and upcoming changes to the stake.

Rainbow Six Siege Patch Notes | Y4S4.3 Highlights

rainbow six siege patch notes y4s4-3 highlights

The Rainbow Six Siege spot notes for January 24, 2020 focus heavily on game balance. The developers have been compensable close attention to which operators have been Chosen, in which frequency they're chosen, and how oft they win. As a issue, they've compiled two graphs that put across prohibited the popularity of each operator.

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The graphs, which can be seen over on the official Ubisoft site, snap manipulator popularity into four sections: Underpicked (too strong), Overpicked (too strong), Underpicked (too weak), and Overpicked (too workweek). The data presented in this graphs will influence future balance updates to the game, though the Y4S4.3 update only addresses a smattering of specific tweaks.

The latest equilibrize adjustments are comparatively some in issue: Blackbeard and Replication see the well-nig changes, while several other operators entirely see a single change. For more details about these, check off out the full patch notes featured below.

Rainbow Six Beleaguering Maculatio Notes | Inundated Y4S4.3 Patch Notes

rainbow six siege patch notes y4s4-3 designer's notes

Hera are the Rainbow Half-dozen Beleaguering plot notes for the Y4S4.3 update As provided by the team at Ubisoft.

Upcoming Changes

  • Aim Down Sight (ADS) Gain
  • ADS time increased for all weapons classes.
  • Assault rifles: from 0.30s to 0.40s
  • DMRs: from 0.30s up to 0.40s (OTs-03 Incl.)
  • SMGs: from 0.20s skyward to 0.30s
  • LMGs: from 0.40s up to 0.45s
  • Pistol: 0.10s adequate to 0.20s
  • SMG in secondary slots: 0.10s up to 0.275s*
  • Shotguns: 0.20s up to 0.25s

In Coal Rise in that location was an overhaul of the animations which caused ADS time to decrease across the board for all weapons. This change will urinate ADS speeds similar to what they were pre-Ember Rise, besides Eastern Samoa align ADS times for all weapons in apiece of their respective classes.

Hustler Changes


  • ADS penalization will only implement when Edward Teach's Gun Shield is furnished.
    • Weapons without the Gun Harbor leave maintain the Sami timings as some other Rape Rifle, weapons with the Gun Shield will have the same timings every bit they have now in Shifting Tides, and the Angled Handle will affect the SCAR with and without the Gun Shield equipped.
    • We want Blackbeard players to make a conscious decision when equipping the shield. The musical theme is to either suffer surplus responsiveness in firefights when switching to ADS or to have extra protection from the gun shield.
  • Case 1 (Weight grip equipped): ADS clock leave embody 60% of the base time.
  • Case 2 (Shield armed): ADS time will make up 200% of the base time.
  • Casing 3 (Angle grip + Shield fitted out): ADS time will a combination of the 2 old buffs, 160% of the base time.


  • The Yokai Drone can now beryllium hacked by Dokkaebi's phone hacking ability.
  • Echo will like a sho dangle a cell phone, if Dokkaebi is present during the round.
  • The Yokai is now equipped with drone lights that show only if uncloaked. These lights bequeath leave the same visual feedback as any other dawdler.

Echo is currently an exception, as he is unaffected by Dokkaebi's ability. This a way for America to offer more counters to this very powerful and frustrating defender, more particularly in situations when attackers are planting the defuser. He is the second most banned defender and these changes are implemented with that in mind. It is also a manner to rationalize how Operators interact between each other. More than reconciliation this is also an chance to earn the game easier to sympathise to newcomers.


  • Reduced reverberate on Scorpion Evo3 for the commencement 16 shots, some proceeding shots will induce rebound similar to what it is currently along survive.

Revolutionary People's Struggle is a identical favourite Operator World Health Organization suffers from a previous SMG recoil increment. Even if she remains decent in terms of Presence and Win Delta, we would like to bring her closer to her prime by up the handling of the Scorpion EVO 3.


  • Increased Finka's Spear up .308 damage to 42 (leading from 38)

We've seen that Finka's spear underperforms all other Lash out Rifles along attack, and we are looking to make it a more viable option.


  • Reduced Jäger's 416-C damage to 38 (down from 43)

We'rhenium still tinkering with Jäger, but with Wamai directly in the game we feel it's an appropriate time to make approximately moves and try to reduce the power of his 416-C which outperforms all other guns along defence. This is a opening towards trying to bring the most popular defender a bit closer to his peers.


  • ACOG abstracted from Maestro's ALDA

We think the ALDA is herculean even without the ACOG and want to see if it's removal will highlight its otherwise great qualities.

Nøkk & Smoke

  • Increased Nøkk's and Smoke's FMG9 damage to 34 (up from 30)

We want to give her a bite more confidence to progress to full use of her identicalness to sneak around and take 1v1 situations and gunfights. This exchange should also impact Gage to a small degree.


  • Candelas at once have a untested outline that is visible only to Ying.
  • Better distribution of Cluster Flashes
  • Number of pellets per Candela increased to 7 (upward from 6) – (1 at floor level, 3 at around hip level and 3 at capitulum level).
  • Pellets detonation time minimized to 0.3s (from 1s happening discombobulate and 2.5s on deploy).
  • Pellets that bounce on environmental props maintain their velocity instead of falling and detonating on the floor.
  • Candle explosion minor VFX improvements.

Ying's Candelas let ample room for fanciful gameplay and we are self-confident about the opportunities offered by the gadget. We accept noticed that Candelas needed Thomas More consistency and reliability for Ying to hand down her laden possible. We aim at providing more visual feedback, to make her power easier to understand and we are also tweaking the cluster flashes to ensure the gadget effectiveness.


Lesion is currently over-picked and performs really well as you can see in the Defender's in writing. He can often cost quite frustrating to play against, which is wherefore he is also fair game by Operator bans. He takes gun fights, deals damage and slows down the enemy. On top of that, his Gu Mines are also put-upon for information gathering. We are looking into fine tuning him to reduce both his effectiveness and thwarting.


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